Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here I Blog (heavy Youtube vids)

OK, I was watching The Simpsons earlier and it was the episode where Homer bought a pool for Bart and Lisa. When they were playing in the pool that game Marco Polo comes to mind and so did the song RIGHT after. Y’all know that song where Soulja Boy said “rhetorical”. So now I wanna talk about the music that is continuously spoon shoved down our throats. The 75% of music with generic/simple beats, wack ass ABC rhymes and inane music videos with video hoes other peoples cash.

*sad face*

What happened to music? Somewhere right now the 90’s are looking at the songs we have now and shaking its head in disapproval. I know I’m not the only one that wants to dropkick Boosie n’ nem in the chest and out of the recording studio. I want today’s music to be equipped hot beats…

…Good lyricists…

…And I wanna go back to a time when you didn’t have to use a vocoder to sing…

You see? Compare those to the ish we have now. What do y’all think about today’s music? Good? Bad? Decent? Speak your minds on it.


Raider_wifee said...

Whew.. as the "granny" of the blog world I have to agree with you! They don't make music like they used too and I don't think they ever could. Times have just changed for the worst in my opinion. Lack of creativity, originality and spontenaity are just not done nowadays. Everyone's looking for the bling bling knowing darn well we in a recession! I can't wait for the day when those so called rappers have to start pawning all that jewlry in order to buy themselves a meal like most ordinary folks. I could go on and on.. but I'll leave it at that for now... cause I got to save room to type nikbiniog in your word verification ROFL!

A. Red said...

I LOVE TI's "Get Loose" beat. That beat is just ridic. And yes, I do agree with you. Just because a song has base, and a dumb ass dance does not make it a certified banger! It doesn't because none of these fools will be in the game for longevity. They come and go like Superhead's sex partners. Blah...